Blevins School Board

The Blevins School District held their June board meeting on Tuesday, June 4th.  The meeting was scheduled for the previous day; however, a power outage due to severe weather required the meeting to be rescheduled for the following day.

The board meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. The prayer and pledge of allegiance was observed by all in attendance.
The board reviewed May’s board meeting minutes and approved unanimously. The May financial report was presented. The district’s finances are in excellent shape and the balances are healthy. The board approved the May financials unanimously.
The board terms and election dates were discussed. The district participates in the spring election.
The board unanimously approved to continue the Norman Hill Enterprises contract for the 2024-2025. The relationship between the district and Norman Hill has helped the district grow expeditiously in the area of all things finance. It was noted that Norman Hill has repeatedly stated the district’s budget is in excellent shape.
The board went into executive session to discuss personnel. The board approved the personnel list as presented.