Spring Hill School Board

The Spring Hill School Board met in the Elementary Conference Room on Monday (6-10). After a prayer, the minutes were approved as was the financial report. In the elementary school 353 students are enrolled and the extended program for Special Ed will run June 17th through 20th,  June 24th through 27th, July 8th through 11th, and July  15th through 17th.
For the high school there was a 100% graduation rate this year. For those students who failed a class a credit recovery session began on June 3rd and will run until the 28th with another one scheduled for July 8th through 21st.  These sessions are self-paced and have the option of breakfast and lunch. There will be around the same number of seniors this coming year.
For expenditures over $5,000, an expenditure to Renaissance Learning was approve for $10, 153.50 This program is for grades K – 8 and involves STAR Reading and Accelerated Reading. SAVAS Learning for grades 3 – 6 will cost $9, 756. A motion to approve both programs passed
A motion to purchase a sanitation pump from Jack Tyler Engineering $5, 574.73 was approved. This is the first time the pump has been changed in 23 years. Next year a different pump will need replacement.
The board went into executive session for personnel and shortly afterwards adjourned.