Dedication set for Hope Pocket Park

HOPE – Hope Downtown Network (HDN) is making plans for a Pocket Park Dedication Ceremony on Thursday, June 20 at 11:00 am.

Hope Downtown Network along with the City of Hope encourages everyone to join them in the pocket park (downtown on E 2nd Street) for this special occasion. Main Street Arkansas consultants will also be present to offer a few words during the dedication ceremony.

Barb Noble, HDN Board President stated, “The time has come for us to join together and celebrate the HDN project known as the Pocket Park Project. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project, the community can now enjoy gathering in the park to dine, listen to music, or enjoy various activities and events throughout the year. Without community support, HDN would not have been able to complete this project.”

Hope Downtown Network is a Downtown Network program under Main Street Arkansas. The mission and purpose of HDN follows the Main Street Four-Point Approach that all Main Street communities adhere to as they continue to make progress in areas of downtown business revitalization and historic preservation. The four points pertain to downtown Design, Organization, Promotion, and Economic Vitality. The points are a unique preservation-based economic development tool that enables communities to revitalize downtown and neighborhood business districts by leveraging local assets from historic, cultural, and architectural resources to local enterprises and community pride.

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