Hope City Board

By Mark Keith, 06/18/24 11:06 PM
The Hope City Board met in the City Hall Boardroom on Tuesday (6-18). After the invocation and pledge the minutes were approved. Next was an added item about the Hospital. Anna Powell told the board she not only had a role as President of the Economic Development Corporation but also one in the Southwest Arkansas Healthcare Authority.   She said for six months the situation had been monitored very closely.  Powell was asked what would be the result of the hospital closing.   She stated some of the best jobs would leave the area as insurance requires a hospital within a certain distance. Ultimately the community could suffer greatly if the hospital closed.  Hope Mayor Don Still commented the city would have to “walk in if Steward walked away”.   Steward is the parent company of Wadley Regional Medical Center Hope and has filed for bankruptcy. City Manager JR Wilson stated if the city decided not to spend money currently there would be a cost later on.  According to Powell, the county and the city are each to commit $1,000,000 if the bankruptcy court agrees to allow the arrangement. It would be $100,000 each month for ten months. The money would be used for payroll.  City Director Mark Ross asked if this was only for salaries and Powell said it was.   She provided a very detailed list of what was needed.   Maintenance of the building would be taken care of with different funds. Powell talked about the higher paying jobs being at risk since the cost of insurance would go up. Hope is a hub for smaller communities. Due to updated codes in the 40 years since this hospital was built, if the hospital were to close it would be unable to reopen.   The filing for the bankruptcy court goes out on Monday. The funds are to bridge the gap to keep the hospital open. The ultimate goal is to take back the license and the property to gain control of who runs it.
City Manager Wilson stated the city has the money to cover the project without putting other projects at risk. A resolution was passed to designate $1,000,000 for a public emergency fund to be spent as needed.
The next topic was the Hope for the Future Project. A high estimate was provided to make sure the city could cover the costs of the project. The estimate did not include an outdoor pool. With concern of an outdoor pool later costing more and a plea from Jodie Coffee to include one as it would draw a different group of people, a motion was made to come up with an estimate to include the outside pool. The motion passed. Mayor Still encouraged everyone in the room to support the project.
Christi Burns, who participated in leadership for Hope/Hempstead County introduced a group of people who were current participants in the project.
There was an update on the property condemnations from last year with images of the properties from Carl Conley.
There was a motion to allow a railroad easement for New Millennium on City property. The motion passed.
The Board also passed a motion to approve the final spending of ARPA funds.
The Street Department found another plastic drainage collapse west of the 1500th block of Grady Street. The estimated cost to replace the pipe is approximately $28,000-$30,000. This is in addition to the $80,000 needed to be spent on nearby collapsed piping.
For 6th street a change order was passed that took out of the contract the milling and asphalt overlay as well as striping. A motion to approve the resolution passed.
Daniel Shelman was hired by the city as Assistant City Manager. He was stated to have law enforcement, parks, wastewater, streets and human resources.
City Manager Wilson talked about the Sparks in the Park on July 6th.  The meeting then adjourned.