NSB breezes through agenda

ROSSTON – Nevada’s School Board breezed through its June meeting Thursday night, completing the agenda in 18 minutes.

It began with a resolution to approve hiring Bryson Rhodes as a new math teacher and baseball coach. Board member Brandon Rhodes recused himself from the vote being Bryson’s father. Bryson, Superintendent Roy McCoy said, was already a paraprofessional at the school and has obtained his degrees. He was hired on a 190-day contract.

Carol Foster, Nevada High School principal, gave reports for both the elementary and high schools. Starting with the elementary report, she said all the floors have been cleaned and waxed and the teachers are getting 18-hours of professional development in. The projected enrollment for NES is 230.

On the high school side, she said the girls basketball team has been competing in team camps while the boys have been playing different teams. The floors on the high school side have also been cleaned and waxed. NHS, she continued, had a 94 percent attendance rate last year. Plans are to get that to 97 percent this year by using incentives.

In his report, McCoy said the old floor in the gym has finally been removed completely and the company working on the project will begin putting floaters on the base in two weeks as there’s a two-week dead period. Once work starts, it shouldn’t take long to complete, he said.

From there, the board approved the district’s parent-student engagement plan for the upcoming year, the minority recruitment and retention plan, changes to the personnel police handbook, changes to the student handbook and the contract addendums extra duties.

Last year, the district joined a consortium of schools for groceries and commodities. The consortium went with Cisco for groceries and paper products and Highland Dairy for milk and juice.

The board approved a bid for technology upgrades from White River Services and Solutions for $119,000.