Papa’s Honey is a Sweet Local Business

Papa’s Honey is a family run business between Hope and Emmet. They are regular vendors at the Hope Farmer’s Market and have honey in 15 stores. They also sell honey to Japan, India, Bolivia, Peru and Panama and in August will sell to Cuba.

Papa’s Honey has hives in 20 locations. They have one trailer for harvesting the honey and a smaller one for delivery. Papa’s Honey has been in business for 10 years.
Last year they harvested almost 4,900 pounds of honey Their equipment to produce the honey includes an extractor, settling tanks, uncapping machine and bottling tanks.  Owner Roger Davis he has two 55 gallon tanks.
How many times they harvest depends upon their inventory and how much honey is available. This year with all the rain, the honey production is down. After a rain it takes between 7 to14 days to replenish the nectar. This year Papa’s Honey has harvested honey three times 6 far.
The honey comes from clover and wildflower nectar. The owner said he planted sunflowers as the acid helps with the bees’ digestion.