Hope Tourism Commission

The Hope Tourism Commission met on Tuesday (8-13).  The meeting began approval of last month’s minutes, followed by expenses and revenue and continued with permits and payments.  Jennifer Block and Jennifer Moore spoke about “A Taste of Hope” with its additions this year which will inclulde games, movies, cartoons for kids, and a soda bar in the downtown network building. Work on the mural will be continued. A donation was requested and approved.
There was a “Hope for the Future” advertising request of $10,000 for table tents in restaurants, flyers, mail outs, and other materials that was granted.
After replacing the West Side compressor recently in the Fair Park Coliseum, other issues have come up. Some of these have already been fixed. One issue remaining is the lack of insulation on the AC ducts in the ceiling. City staff requested and were given permission to get quotes to fix the problem.
The Commission was updated on the Watermelon Festival. At 78 teams, the Adult Softball was the biggest draw. Softball and Volleyball made money while soccer lost money. Ideas were given as to ways to improve the participation and financial return including having coed and evening volleyball, and only one division of soccer along with advertising in other markets.
There were no Citizen’s Requests so the meeting adjourned.