The Hempstead County Cooperative Extension Service is offering a Sewing Basics Workshop on Tuesday, September 10 and Tuesday, September 17 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM each evening at the Hempstead County Cooperative Extension Office. The workshop is for youth between the ages of 9 – 19 and consists of two sessions. You must attend the first session to participate in the second session.

Participants will learn how to use basic sewing tools, how to operate a sewing machine, and basic sewing skills. They will also make items to take home for personal use.

“Sewing skills are practical. Sewing can save you money in clothing repair or in creating your own clothing. It can also be a creative outlet to express your individuality. Sewing can be therapeutic by reducing stress and anxiety. It’s not just something reserved for your grandmothers to enjoy.” said Betty Wingfield, Hempstead County 4-H Extension Agent.  If there is enough interest, a continuation of these sessions will be planned.

Pre-registration is required by Monday, September 9.  The registration fee of $10 covers supplies and materials for the workshop. Participants are asked to bring a portable sewing machine in good use. If they do not have a sewing machine, there are a limited number available. To register, go to Enrollment is limited. For more information, contact the Hempstead County Extension office at (870) 777-5771 or email Betty Wingfield at

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