Prescott City Council

The Prescott City Council met in the Senior Center on Monday (8-19). The meeting started with the prayer and the pledge and the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting, followed by the financial statement from July.
From the Economic Development Office came the report on the County Fair, a job fair, the tear-down list, condemnation list and neglected yards. For neglected yards 27 letters went out.
The next topic was an amendment to an ordinance increasing the amount of fines. This ordinance has to do with cats and dogs running loose. There was a discussion as to whether or not there should be it should be in writing for the first violation a warning would be received. After some discussion, the city attorney said it wasn’t a good idea in his opinion. He said police always had discretion and such a statement would make the paperwork a challenge. The council voted to approve the amendment with a 5 to 2 vote.
The Warner Trucking contract for $3,000 a month was renewed.
The water system was flushed and there was a question whether there could have been more notification. A fire created the need to flush the system.  A council member talked about her neighbor’s water being clear while hers was not.  The individual in charge of the water for the city said water could be supplied to the residents in 6-inch pipes and it would be clear and fast but fire and other regulations don’t allow it. Engineers planning for the future also increase the size of the pipes slowing the water down. Summer makes the issue worse. The types of pipes in the system were explained. The system dates back to 1890.
A Council Member brought up the issue of grass being mowed into the streets and noted it doesn’t look good and is also dangerous for motorcyclists.
The meeting then adjourned.