Prairie D’Ane, Site of Civil War Battle in Nevada County

Prairie D’Ane is both a historic battle site from the Civil War and a large, preserved area with a couple of beaver ponds, birds to be watched, and planned walking trails. There is even a bike trail planned. While the gate to drive in is closed most of the time, parking is available, and a walking entrance is always open. Paul Ridgill, who is in charge of the project, cautions about natural dangers in the area though. In order to make the site accessible many trees were cleared.
Ridgill talked about and demonstrated the new road recently improved. The prairie is a good-sized piece of land with a hidden pond surrounded by a variety of plants. One of the special types of plants on the prairie is the bois d’arc tree, a very hard, rot resistant tree. Ridgill noted a bird species was spotted recently that hasn’t been seen there before.
Ridgill talked about a large gathering honoring the battlefield in two years. He said he cares deeply about the area. A thrill Ridgill recounted was clearing up the mystery of a visitor’s ancestor in the battle. The individual was thrilled to learn the details. With a visitor’s center planned and other projects as well as maintenance volunteers are greatly appreciated.