Fulton City Council

The Fulton City Council met in the old fire station in Fulton in Monday (9-9). The expenses for water and sewer were stated to be $3304.49.
The Labor Day weekend festival was a fun “family and friend” event for those who attended.  A total of $3,500 was donated to cover the event. This included $2,000 from SWEPCO $500 from Fulton Grass, $200 from Boll Weevil/Cotton Patch, $100 from Suny’s Convenience Store in Fulton, and $200 from Hope Livestock.
Costs for this were $651 for T-shirts, $169.11 for Sam’s Club Hot Dogs, $34 for Super 1, and $120 for portable toliets for a total of $1,537.57.
T-shirt sales totaled $173. There was a $100 donation to the Fire Department.
James Lamb gave the Water Board Report. Rates will increase in October. There will be a house-to-house letter distributed concerning a community notification meeting. Also mentioned were the recent installation of 134 meters. A secretary to take minutes on the water board will be delayed until money is available. Badger is the supplier of the meters.
For the water lines, $3.5 million for an environmental review was approved. This requires no match or share on the part of Fulton.
The use of a community development block grant from the Arkansas Development Economic Committee for remodeling the old fire station and community center was discussed.
Two policies on civil rights were discussed as was the Arkansas Legislative Committee Audit.