State Archives presents Arkansas Constitution at Historic Washington State Park

Pages from 1874’s original engrossed Constitution travel across Arkansas, marking its 150 years

WASHINGTON – The Arkansas State Archives will travel to Historic Washington State Park September 20 – 21, 9 am – 4 pm Friday and Saturday, with an exhibit on the Arkansas Constitution to celebrate its 150th birthday, offering visitors an opportunity to see individual displays of the cover, specimen text and signature pages.

ASA staff will offer live interpretation to provide historical context and discussions about the Constitution and its predecessors. This event is part of the Arkansas State Archives’ “Constitution Road Trip” series, bringing the Arkansas Constitution’s story to the four corners of the state. This will also coincide with Frontier Days at the park, an annual event during which visitors can learn about the early settlement of the area in the 1820s and 1830s and hear about the beginning of the town of Washington.

For more information, visit , contact the Arkansas State Archives (501-682-6900, or the hosting site.