Washington City Council

The Washington City Council met in the city hall on Tuesday (9-17). The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed and approved as were the financial statements.
Under the animal control report there was 1 dog and 1 cat situation.
When the council moved to the water report, it was noted Mike Rogers was attending a conference in Hot Springs and couldn’t attend. Mayor Paul Henley spoke about the water tank overflowing 2 weeks prior. This was due to it being set on manual rather than automatic as opposed to a fault in the system. Two truckloads of dirt were washed out. The overflow comes down the middle of the tank. The water is never under pressure. There is still an 8-inch gap in the ground. Rogers will need to bring in his machine to find it. There is a valve that did not work underneath the tank. Mayor Henley said he had been concerned the recent rain might cause more problems but that wasn’t the case. If the pipe can’t be found, a sidewalk will be laid over it.
A rate study must be turned in and there is a desire to go up on the rates in order to meet expenses. Washington has had only a 4 percent water loss even including the recent leak. Anything under 15 is considered great. Water rates are recommended to increase by 5 percent each year. SAWS and other rural water systems have much higher rates.
Jon Barry brought the fire report noting there had been 4 calls and five people in the city have responded according to ISO standards. From the proving grounds an unexploded round was removed.  It was taken to the sandpit and detonated.
The service truck has been repaired with a cost over $500. The brake line system had to be replaced as only one wheel had a functional line. The truck runs better but before more repairs are made approval will be sought from the council as Barry doesn’t want to spend any more money on it. All five vehicles are operational.  Pump testing will happen in October. Two pumper trucks will be taken to Fair Park.
Mayor Henley was asked if the city was square with the county for spending the remaining $1,000 from funds allocated to them. He thinks the deadline is the end of the year.
Barry said he needs to spend some money on a dump tank and talked about purchasing a tank with an aluminum frame with high performance rubber. The tank is collapsible and packable.
A marshal’s report was also on the agenda.
The meeting adjourned.