Bless the Badges Set for Saturday in Hope

“All first responders in Hempstead and Lafayette counties (city police, county deputies and jail personnel, city firefighters and volunteer firefighters in the county, state troopers and state highway police, ambulance emts, and game and fish employees) are extended this special invitation to come be honored at BLESS THE BADGES.  The event will take place this
Saturday, October 5 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Coliseum at the Hope Fair Park.  *Please bring your BADGE or OTHER FORM OF IDENTIFICATION  TO BE ADMITTED.*
    Numerous area churches, businesses and individuals have combined resources to provide a charcoaled meal to each first responder (PLUS HIS OR HER FAMILY), a play area including a bouncy house and yard games for children AND A TIMED SHOPPING SPREE FOR THE FIRST RESPONDER TO CHOOSE NEW MERCHANDISE THAT THEY CAN USE.  THERE IS OVER $10,000 IN NEW GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM!!!
First responders play such an important role in the community.  This is an attempt to show “thanks and appreciation” to this group in the two counties.  Hope to see you THIS SATURDAY, October 5th at the Hope Fair Park Coliseum.  Feel free to spread the word to other first responders who might not know about this event.
For more information, you may call Gary Johnson at 870-331-7341.”
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