Curley Wolves maul Parkers Chapel Friday night

The Prescott Curley Wolves continue to roll over opponents this football season and this time it was Parkers Chapel. The Curley Wolves posted six first-half touchdowns in route to a 49-6 win.

K.J. Page started the scoring with a 45-yard touchdown carry. That was followed less than two minutes later with DeCari Prater connecting with Michael Brownlee on a 31-yard pass play. Prater connected again for 31-yards to While as the quarter expired.

DeCari Prater opened 2nd quarter scoring with a two-yard touchdown run. A couple of minutes later, Prater connected with Spencer Hubbard on a 35-yard pass play for another touchdown, before he scored on a six-yard run, ending the half up 42-0.

With a running clock, neither team scored in the third period. Parkers Chapel scored their only points on a 53-yard pass play but failed going for a two-point conversion. Prescott scored their final touchdown with less than a minute to go on a 58-yard run by Roderick McKinney.

Prescott rolled up 411 total yards for the night.