Blevins School Board

The Blevins School Board met in the Cafeteria on Tuesday (12-10). The meeting started with a special board training. Curriculum Coordinator Autum Reeder presented an overview of the ATLAS testing that is now required of all public school students. Reeder including in her presentation explanations about the screener, interim and summative evaluations about the screener, interim and summative evaluations; test blueprints, teacher resources for student remediation and the ATLAS Portal where students and families can access their students’ scores. Dr. Kimberly Turner K-12 principal was also present and added additional information to the presentation. Reeder ended the meeting with a review of recent scores for all grades at Blevins School District.
During the School Board meeting the minutes and the financial report were approved. New board member James West was recognized. The stipend schedule was amended but no action was taken regarding a student handbook change request. The teacher/staff absence report was presented and reviewed by the board. Board Present Laura Clark announced that the ASBA Annual Conference will be held December 11-13. The Board went into the executive session at 7:20 and came out at 8;32. A motion was approved to accept the December personnel recommendations as written. The meeting adjourned.