Hope Lions Hear From Nicholas Bradley, New Hope Resident from the U.K.

The Hope Lions Club heard from Nicholas Bradley, a new resident to Hope.  Nicholas and his wife recently bought a house in Hope.  Bradley is originally from Yorkshire in England.  He is a teacher and is currently splitting his time between Hope and his teaching job in Japan.  Bradley’s wife works at the hospital in Magnolia.  He recently returned to Hope for a while from his teaching job.

Bradley teaches at a university in Japan.  He teaches, among other subjects, English and Social Studies.  He also supervises foreign lecturers at the university.  Bradley was asked about his students in Japan and he noted the students there are much less apt to question a teacher and to speak out publicly.

Bradley talked about his interest in soccer and how he hopes to eventually find a soccer league for adults.

The Lions greatly enjoyed hearing from Bradley and were very welcoming.

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