Prescott City Council
The Prescott City Council met on Monday (3-17). After a prayer and the pledge of allegiance, the previous meetings minutes were approved. An Arkansas Game & Fish representative, Spencer Weitzel was present to discuss the prairie land around Prescott. He mentioned the land around the airport is home to a type of crayfish that only can be found in one other part of Arkansas. He would like to do a prescribed burn late this summer.
Mr. Rowe Stayton, a representative from the Rotary club, was present to ask for approval for an event. He mentioned there were people helping older people who cannot get their lawns mowed. These people are taking it upon themselves to mow the lawns for folks who are unable. He would like to do something else for Prescott. He proposed getting some seminars together to explain to people how to save on their electric bill. He also recommended getting a fund for people who need help streamlining their energy output.
It was mentioned there is a spring-break bash for Prescott students.
The meeting was adjourned.
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