Hope Lions Hear Program on Hempstead County Library

The Hope Lions Club heard an outstanding program on Monday (3-17) on the Hempstead County Library.  Library Director Courtney McNiel gave the club lots of information about the facility.

McNiel said the library will have special activities for youngsters during spring break.  Tuesday (3-25) and Thursday (3-27) of spring break, there will be bingo at 10am for youngsters aged 5 through 12.  Wednesday (3-26), the library will offer “Chalk the Walk”, allowing youngsters to decorate the sidewalks with chalk art.

The library’s summer program will be held during July.  McNiel said they hold off activities in June as to not interfere with Kids Kollege at UAHT.  She said the “circus man” will be back this year as will “Big Poppa Bubble” with a bubble extravaganza outside.  The “balloon man” will also be back this year in July and “Magic Mister Nick” will end the month with his magic program and foam party.  Farmers Bank will also be on hand that day with hot dogs.  Watch the library’s facebook page for details.

McNiel told the Lions the library has movies available to check-out and noted all their magazines are now online.  As far as books go, McNiel says as far as adult fiction, the library generally gets about 150 new titles a month.  The library also offers e-books.

The library is open on Mondays noon to 8pm, 9am until 5:30pm Tuesday through Friday, 9am until 12:30pm on Saturday, and is closed on Sunday.

For more information you can visit their website at hempcolib.org or on their facebook page.  Better yet, just stop by the library in person at 500 South Elm in Hope.


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