Hope Housing Authority Board Meeting

The Housing Authority for the city of Hope met in the conference room on Thursday (3-20). Due to the absence of Compliance Officer Chuck Huggins, Interim Executive Director Zach Hicks presented the financial report with the overall statement that the housing authority is still within budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year ending June 30th.


For the units damaged by the fire at Hopewell Loop in November 2024, Hicks received quotes for repair, confirming the insurance quote for damages was low. The insurance company has agreed to revise the amount, and Hicks said he was waiting on paperwork for an adjusted loss.


For the Yerger project, Hicks talked about trying to finalize it while the money is still available.


For Kelly Homes, HACOH will work with The Nelrod Company onsite in April, overhauling all policies and procedures as part of the comprehensive action plan required per the management and occupancy review conducted in the summer of 2024.


April’s meeting should be busy reviewing the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 operating budget.


The 2024-2024 audit will be presented to commissioners at an upcoming meeting by Audit Solutions, LLC.


Kelly Homes redevelopment is still on hold because funding has changed so much.


Hicks talked about potential challenges with all the changes happening right now in our country and will continue to look for options as specific resources may no longer be available as the federal government changes grant funding.


Hicks talked about the loss to the organization of two strong leaders: Mrs. Annie Johnson, who retired effective March 20, 2025, an exemplary employee and mentor to many current and previous employees. She returned to her home state of Florida to enjoy time with her son David.


Mr. Bobbe Muldrow passed away on March 13, 2025; he held many different positions at HACOH, and Hicks talked about his honesty, hard work, can-do attitude, and treatment of everyone with respect. Hicks said not many people have impacted him both professionally and personally as Muldrow did. An exemplary employee and a close friend. There will be a service for Muldrow on Saturday. Both individuals will be deeply missed.


Hicks recommended keeping the staffing the same for the moment.


The vacancy is staying the same at 37 units, with 15 units under contract/offline for modernization, 4 units being repaired by HACOH personnel, and the remaining being offered to applicants on the waiting list.


Cash flow is steady, although the reserves are not as healthy as they should be. There is a healthy waiting list.


The Board went into Executive Session. Afterward, a motion was made to remove Interim from the status of Zach Hicks’s title and turn him into the permanent Executive Director.


After comments from Hicks about doing the best they can with the resources they have, Board Chair Sam Bradford talked about the importance of creating housing in Hope.


The meeting adjourned.

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