HPS Education Specialists speak to Civitan
The Hope Civitan Club recently heard from education specialists with Hope Public Schools.
Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Josclyn Wiley spoke to the club on February 11, focusing on the WOLF Program — a pilot program described as work-based opportunities leading to future employment. She said high school Juniors and Seniors who are at least 16, have a Social Security Number, and meet the definition of a student with a disability, can participate in the program, which is a partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services.
Following pre-employment transition services, students can participate in 20 hours per month of paid work funded by Arkansas Rehabilitation Services. She also said Sophomores are allowed to participate but cannot do paid work experiences, but can do other work-based learning activities.
For more information on the WOLF Program, contact Ms. Wiley at 870-722-2700.
Three members of the Hope Public Schools Dyslexia Team were guest speakers at the Civitan Club’s March 11 meeting. Karen Ivers — Dyslexia Program Coordinator, Janet Gordon, and Tina Smith, all certified dyslexia therapists, explained that dyslexia is a specific learning disability, neurological in origin, characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling, among other things. They stressed that it is not a lack of intelligence, lack of motivation to learn to read, or a vision problem.
They individually explained school district requirements of screening and intervention and the instructional approaches of the Dyslexia team. Dyslexia Resource Guides were also handed out to each club member present.
For more information on the Dyslexia Program at Hope Public Schools, go to the HPS website, William Jefferson Clinton Primary, Dyslexia Information.
The Hope Civitan Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at Dos Loco Gringos Restaurant. Interested persons are invited to attend a meeting or to contact Twyla Pruden, president, at 870-703-4366.