Bicentennial Committee Meets


The Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee met Monday November 6th at the Tailgaters meeting room. The group approved some proposals on voting and procedures to kick off the meeting. Sharon Caldwell was approved as a new co-chair on the executive committee and Roy Turner was approved as a co-chair on the arts and cultural committee.
The committee heard from Beckie Moore of the Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce. She proposed providing space for the Bicentennial on the Chamber website and also setting up a facebook page. Both measures were met with the approval of the Committee.
Paul Henley spoke on behalf of the Arkansas Great Southwest Regional Tourism Association. He explained how AGSW can help with advertising costs. The committee also approved using the Rose Hill Cemetery Association as a conduit for donations and sponsors for the Bicentennial.
Kathy Apodaca of the Redland Township spoke about a calender which will highlight all the twelve townships of Hempstead County. The calender prototypes were approved.
The committee adopted a logo to be used on t-shirts and printed materials. A different logo will be utilized for commemorative coins. It is hoped a version of the coins will be minted locally in solid silver while a smaller version will be used for a “passport” issued at the various Bicentennial events in the twelve townships.
The Bicentennial Committee meets the first Monday of every month at 6pm at the Tailgaters Meeting Room. The public is welcome.

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