Hope City Board held their first meeting of 2018

The Hope City Board held their first meeting of 2018 Tuesday January 2nd. The first order of business was considering allowing Fire Chief Dale Glanton to apply for the “Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program”. Chief Glanton was notified of the grant by Congressman Bruce Westerman’s office. The city match would be 5%. The board voted to apply for the grant.
The board approved a waive bid ordinance to allow the police to work with Hope Auto to buy two used Chevrolet Impalas for the police department. The cars will be used for detectives and/or administration. The cost will be approximately $33,000.
The board designated two vehicles from the police department as surplus. They are a 2007 Chevy Impala and a 2012 Dodge Charger. The cars will be sold on govdeals.com. Both vehicles have in excess of 100,000 miles.
The board will be looking at some appointments to city boards and commissions. Mayor Steve Montgomery said the board will be looking at possibly reappointing Dr. Lester Sitzes to the Water and Light Commission. Other considerations will include reappointing Mitch Bobo and Robert”Whit” Whitlock to Planning and Zoning. These and other positions will be considered at the next meeting.
Under the City Manager’s report, Catherine Cook noted the city offices will be closed January 15th for the Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. holiday. Also, Cook noted the city had about 8 inches of rain in December and now has bitter cold but there are no problems. The meeting them adjourned.