Farmers Market Vendor Training


Farmers Market vendor training will be held on Tuesday, February 13 at Hempstead Hall. Sign in will begin at 1:30pm. The learning tracks program will start at 2:00 and will last until 4:30 followed by a networking session from 4:30 until 5:30. There will be separate learning tracks for new growers and experienced growers so there will be something for everyone.

Vendors that attend this training will receive reduced registration fees, a free customized apron along with other incentives that will only be available through the training.

The public is invited to attend from 6:00 until 7:00 to get to know their farmers and their food. During this time guests will get to meet the growers, find out about the markets, and taste local foods.

For any questions contact Jodi Coffee at 870-703-8788 or Debra Bolding at 870-557-2352.

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