HCSO equipped with justice bridge device

Hempstead County Sheriff's Department

HOPE – The Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office, detention center and the two courtroom at the Hempstead County Courthouse have been equipped with the Justice Bridge Program, from the Arkansas Association of Counties.

The system is a video/audio communication tool for law enforcement, state prisons, and the judiciary. The program improves courtroom safety and efficiency while providing potential advancements in parole and probation processes. Hearings can be accomplished via teleconference. Results include improved communication between county officials and law enforcement: less travel for investigators interviewing inmates in distant facilities; and streamlined communication between judges and prosecutors.

The benefits of the Justice Bridge Program will be reduced time, fuel and vehicle maintenance cost to counties due to reduction in inmate transports to court hearings. Reduced liability to counties for vehicular accidents, inmate assaults and medical cost while the inmate is in custody. Reduced amount of contraband due to fewer transports, and reduced escape potential, resulting increased public safety.

Hempstead County was able to obtain the system from the Association of Arkansas Counties Risk Management Fund of which Hempstead County is a member.

This will be a tremendous tool that will help save on the transportation of inmates from the Department of Correction facilities. It also allows the sheriff to contact other sheriff’s who are part of the system by video conference.

Instead of going after an inmate in the state prison system for court hearings the judge will be able to use this system and have the hearing by video from the prison to the courtroom.