Hope City Board
The Hope City Board met Tuesday for their second meeting of May. Following the prayer and pledge the board moved into the agenda.
The board considered a request from organizers of a Juneteenth parade on June 18th at 10:45am. The parade would start at the Henry C. Yerger and end at 1709 N. Spruce. Marsha White spoke to the board and the board approved the parade.
The Hope Lions asked the board to terminate their lease on the “Lions Den” concession stand at Fair Park and to allow the Band Boosters to take over the stand. Julie Russell of the Band Boosters noted the band has increased from 50 members to 270 total. She noted they needed income to support the band. Lion Charles Looney noted the Lions are leaving the equipment in the stand for Band Boosters. A five year lease was discussed. The board agreed by acclimation to pursue a lease with the band boosters.
The board discussed proposed new members of the Housing Authority. The proposed members were Connie Jefferson to replace Margaret Jackson and Beckie Moore who would replace Floyd Young, Jr. Current members include Sam Bradford, Kim Hollis and Cliff Knowles. The approved the nominees.
The board looked at bids on the fuel building roof at the city’s public works complex. The board looked at bids from Barton of Hope, Rogers of Nash, Texas,and Hostetler of Ozan. Hostetler didn’t meet the specs. Staff recommended the board accept the Barton bid of $34,600. Darrell Allen talked about the roof and it was noted the bid was higher than expected and almost $11,000 higher than budgeted. The board accepted the Barton bid.
The board looked at bids for a 125 KW natural gas generator for the public works building. The bids ranged from $110,891.92 from H & K Electric of Nash, Texas, $71,678.40 from Integrity Electrical of Texarkana,and $63,308.57 from Northside Power of Benton. The lowest bid was $3,308.57 higher than budgeted. The board accepted the low bid from Northside Power.
The board looked at bids to seal a metal storage building at the public works complex. The city received a bid for $38,643 from Barton, $50,388 from Rogers of Nash, Texas, and a bid that didn’t meet specs from Hostetler. The low bid was almost $10,000 higher than budgeted. The board accepted the low bid from Barton.
The board heard from Police Chief J.R. Wilson on a new law called the “Arkansas Full-Time Law Enforcement Officer Stipend Act of 2022”. This provides a one-time stipend to eligible full-time officers who have completed a Division of Law Enforcement Standards and Training academy. Chief Wilson explained the particulars of the act. The amount would be $5,000 per officer including FICA. It would not cover retirement contributions. The board moved to proceed with the program.
Under the City Manager’s Report Catherine Cook noted the Street Scape program will go to bid May 25th. Justin Dean of the police proposed a program to provide passes to the swimming pool. The board approved 100 passes.
Cook noted the courthouse dedication is set for Thursday and a JP was in attendance. Mayor Still asked if the old bridge span at the park had been put up for bid and it was noted it hadn’t.
Under Citizens Requests, Patsy White of 7th and Edgewood reported some problems with pavement and drainage. Cook said she would get on it.
The meeting then adjourned.