Superintendent can approve transfers

ROSSTON – Board to board transfers have gotten easier for the Nevada School District.

At its August meeting, Thursday, the Nevada School Board voted to allow the superintendent to approve all board to board transfers. However, he can only approve the transfer, not deny any. Denial will require board approval, and there are certain circumstances it must follow to deny students to come to the district.

The panel also approved the price revision of a 14-passenger bus. The bid was let last year with Midwest Bus Sales submitting the low bid. However, until recently, the chassis wasn’t available. Now that it is, the price has changed and the cost of the bus went from $84,000 to $89,600. The new bus will be delivered in February, 2024.

Two resolutions were approved, each requiring a member of the board to step outside of the library as it involved relatives. The first resolution saw the hiring of Candace Morris, daughter to David Barr, hired as a substitute teacher. The other was to hire the son of LaSonya Standoak as a custodial worker. The two left the meeting to avoid any possible conflict of interest.

Nevada Elementary Principal Tonda Pennington said the school year has started well and Nevada Elementary has a behavior inventive for students where they collect tags for rewards. She said NES will try to be more involved with the community and parents this year.

Carol Foster, principal for Nevada High School, agreed the year has gotten off to a good start, adding there’s record enrollment at NHS with 30 new students, 11 from school choice. She told the board a comparison of ACT Aspire scores for the seventh grade shows a 16 percent increase in English.

Roy McCoy, superintendent, informed the panel student achievement reports will be included in each month’s meeting as required by the state. He pointed out the district has its highest enrollment in 20 years with 443 students total.