Veterans Day Activities Set For Hope

Two days of activities are planned in November to observe Veterans Day in Hope.  The committee planning the event under the auspices of the Hempstead County Veterans Service Office met Wednesday (9-4) at the Hempstead County Courthouse.

Plans are for their to be a Veterans Parade November 10th at 4pm.  This parade will follow the route of the District Fair Parade route.  Mark Ross and Sheriff James Singleton will oversee the parade.  Ross said 34 units are already signed-up for the parade. There will be trailers for veterans to ride on in the parade and it is believed they will be able to accommodate veterans using wheelchairs.  Veterans who would like to learn more about the parade may contact Veterans Service Officer Donna Rosenbaum at 870-359-0181.   She will also be the person to handle donations towards the expenses for the parade and program.

The Veterans Day program will be Saturday November 11th at 11am at the old Hempstead County Courthouse.  Following the program, the Hope Lions will prepare a fish dinner.  Veterans and “Gold Star” families will eat free.  Everyone else will be charged $10 which is essentially the cost of materials to prepare the meal.  A large tent will be set up to allow those eating on-site to enjoy their meal in comfort.

The committee will meet again on October 18th and more details will be released then for the event.