James Cain Chapter of DAR Holds Meeting

The James Cain Chapter of DAR met Thursday February 8th at the home of Betty Harris. Eight members were in attendance. Vice Regent, Brenda Barham, conducted the meeting.  Bonnie Raff, chair of the Flag of the U.S. committee had the program by playing Flag Bingo.  Words were read and
 members covered that space.  After each space was covered, the definition of the word was read and how it pertained to the flag.  An example would be “Old Glory” as the word and the sentence given would be – a nickname for the American flag. Barbara Impson was the winner at Bingo.. Flag codes booklets and bookmarks with the first eight U.S. flags from 1775 to 1960 were passed out.  The next meeting will be March 14th at 2:30 at Hempstead County library.