Women in Prescott host coffee

PRESCOTT – It was coffee time Tuesday, with the Women in Prescott hosting the event at the Nevada County Library.

Also known as WIP, the group boasts 25 members and is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Basically, the members volunteer their time and skills to fill needs in the community, offering support where needed and having a focus on children. WIP is headed by President Samantha Gummerson and Lauren Brown, secretary/treasurer. Gummerson spearheaded the forming of WIP.

It’s largest fundraiser is Handbag Bingo, which gets bigger each year and sells out quickly, according to Brown. Some of the things WIP has done include: a shoe drive for the schools, helping feed the needy during the holidays, having a suicide prevention campaign, hosting Halloween in the Park, assisting with the monthly feed at Curry’s Community Outreach and supporting the Prescott Parks Department softball, baseball and T-ball programs.

Gummerson welcomed everyone to the coffee, reminding those gathered WIP does volunteer work in the community and offers scholarships in both county schools.

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