Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met in the City Hall Boardroom on Tuesday (7-16). After the call to order, invocation, and pledge, the minutes from the two previous meetings were approved. Ordinances for Hope for the Future were discussed and passed. These ordinances dealt with levying taxes at 1/8 cent tax for maintenance and paying bonds, a special election in regards to levying the tax, and ordnances for bonds.
A motion passed to remove Chief Tomlin as signatory on all City financial accounts add Daniel Shelman.
There was a request from Colleen Jordan at 2516 W. Avenue B to hook up with the city wastewater system. The request was approved by the Board.
For the City Manager’s Report JR Wilson asked Glen Spears to develop the next wastewater project to address inflow and infiltration.through line replacement.
Wilson also mentioned a recent railroad derailment which United Pacific fixed and the tamping project on which United Pacific is doing well. A request from Rob Graham for track by New Millennium would require the city to elevate the track. The project is estimated to cost close to $100,000. The project may be done in phases and is not considered to be a huge project.
The 6th Street project should be done this week. The question was raised whether to simply stripe it or do 16th street as well and a motion passed to create bike lanes on both streets. The project might start as early as next week in order to finish before the Watermelon Festival. No parking signs will be put up on these two streets.
Park parking lots are done. There are some drainage issues to be worked out.
The city is still waiting to hear about the hospital from the bankruptcy court.
There will be another city cleanup on the July 27th at 7:00 AM.
Wilson said he is working on a sanitation ordinance to be presented at the next board meeting.  He also announced he had been appointed to the executive board of the municipal league.
Sparks Fly in July went really well. The Watermelon Festival is coming up.  The meeting then adjourned.