The City of Hope for the week of December 30th to January 3rd: Trash will run normal this week.
The trash routes during the week of New Years for The City of Prescott and Nevada County is as follows; The City of Prescott will HAVE THE REGULAR ROUTES! The Nevada County trash pickup will be Monday Dec. 30th regular route. Tuesday Dec. 31st regular route. Wednesday Jan.1st NO TRASH PICK UP! Thursday Jan 2nd will pick up Wednesday’s route. Friday Jan 3rd will pick up Thursday’s route.
Hope Varsity girls and boys will play at Ashdown on Friday 1/3/25 starting at 5:30pm.
The monthly singing at Okay Community Baptist Church, 301 Okay Road near Saratoga is Friday, January 3rd at 6:30 pm. There will be potluck supper.
Jerry Garcia will be in concert Sunday January 5th at 10 am at Prescott First Church of the Nazarene, 200 W 2nd N. This will be a free concert, however a free will offering will be taken up. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Nan May at 870-397-3287.
The CADC Winter Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) will begin on January 6, 2025. “This vital program is designed to assist qualifying households with their home energy needs during the winter months. We understand the challenges many families face, and to better support our community, the maximum crisis benefit has been increased to $600. This enhancement aims to provide more substantial relief to those in immediate need of energy assistance. We encourage eligible families to apply early and take advantage of this program to ensure a warm and safe winter season.
There will be a 4-H Record Book Workshop Monday, January 6th at 6:00pm at the Hempstead County Extension Office. We will learn about the record book process, discuss the new changes to the scoring rubric, and work on individual record books. All 4-Hers are encouraged to complete a 4-H record book each year! If you have questions about record books or other 4-H programs, please contact the Hempstead County Extension Office at 870-777-5771 or email
Curry ‘s Community Outreach will be hosting a Prescott Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Community Coffee on Tuesday, January 7th from 9:30 to 11 AM at the Prescott Nevada County library.
Nevada County FoodShare will be hosting a Soup Luncheon on Thursday, January 9th from 11:00am until 1:00pm at the Nevada County FoodShare located at 229 West Main St. Prescott.
The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Fulton will sponsor a benefit program for Sister Patricia Cheatham Vaughn on January 11th at 6pm at Macedonia Baptist Church in Columbus. The public is invited and a love offering will be taken for Sister Vaughn. For information call Pastor Jessie Henry at 870-703-8994, 870-896-2581 or Deacon Jimmy Smith at 870-359-5820.
The application deadline for the Leadership Hope-Hempstead County program has been extended. If you’ve been considering applying or know someone who would benefit from this transformative program, now is the perfect time to act! The new deadline is January 13th, 2025, giving you additional time to take advantage of this opportunity to grow as a leader and make a positive impact in our community. Our program offers opportunities such as: Enhance leadership skills, Network with local leaders, Gain a deeper understanding of Hope & Hempstead County. To request an application, email us at
The monthly singing at Guernsey Baptist Church is Friday, January 17th at 6:00 pm. There will be a potluck supper.
Living Hope Disability Fellowship Meeting will be held Monday, January 20th, at 6:30 pm at the Fair Park Community Center in Hope. For more info: Contact: Jermaine Moore, 870-904-0763.
Nevada County Conservation District monthly meeting is Tuesday, January 21st at 10 am at 204 East Pine St, Prescott.
The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Fulton will sponsor a benefit program for Bro. Carlos Scott, son of Minister Bobby Scott on January 25th at 6pm at Union Missionary Baptist Church in Fulton. A love offering will be taken for Bro. Scott. The public is invited. For information call Pastor Jessie Henry at 870-703-8994, 870-896-2581 or Deacon Jimmy Smith at 870-359-5820.
The Bright Star Cemetery on Highway 73 West is in need of additional money in order to keep the historical cemetery in the shape it deserves. Contributions may be sent to Mary McPherson, 1121 Highway 73 West, Washington 71862 or Chester McRoy, 505 Highway 73 West, Hope, Arkansas 71801.
White Oak Grove Cemetery is needing donations for upkeep. Persons with loved one buried there can address their donations c/o White Oak Grove Baptist Church, 314 Highway 332, Hope, AR 71801.
The Hope Housing Authority is closing the waiting list for Section 8 until further notice.
Providence-Azar Cemetery in Nevada is needing donations for upkeep. Persons with loved ones buried there can address their donations to Providence-Azar Cemetery Committee, P.O. Box 910, Hope, AR 71802. Contact Phillip McKinney Committee President for further information 870-675-1936
Huckabee Cemetery is asking for donations for maintenance of the cemetery. Donations may be sent to Todd Martin, 578 Highway 32 East, Hope, AR. 71801.
Anyone that has family members at the Ayer’s Cemetery is reminded the cemetery is in need of donations for upkeep. If you’d like to help, send donations to Eva Morehead, 1440 Nevada 5, Rosston, 71858.
To everyone that has family, friends or their own plots picked out In Westmoreland Cemetery, we are struggling at this time to maintain operating capital at a level to keep up the cemetery. As most know we operate this community cemetery on donations made during the year. Donations are not keeping up with our biggest expense which is mowing. So, I’m passing the hat at this time and ask everyone that reads this to share it on their family, friends and let’s see if we can get some help. Thanks to everyone that has helped this year and in the past. James Larry Kaufman, 1147 Hwy 195 S., Washington, AR. 71862, 870-722-6959.
The Hope Housing Authority Board meets monthly on the Third Thursday of the month at noon. The meetings are currently virtual. If you’d like to watch the meeting or take part, call the Housing Authority at 777-5742 for the virtual information.