Prescott City Council

The Prescott City Council met in the Senior Center Dining Room on Monday (9-16).  After the prayer and pledge, the minutes from the previous meeting were read. A council member pointed out that one of the words needed to be changed.
The financial report was read and passed. There weren’t departmental reports this month.
Ordinance #2 which will levy 5 mils to all real and personal property passed as did the amended budget #1. This added $50,000 in expenditures. The budget will still be on the black (positive). SWEPCO has been paid back $210,000 with another payment scheduled for this month.
Mayor Terry Oliver said he intends to have a budget in the council members hands by December.
There was a resolution passed to condemn a house on 930 Rosston Road. The house was in danger of collapsing, in disrepair and a publc nuisance. There was a bunch of honeybees at the house.  A neighbor is highly allergic to bee stings.  City Employee Al Dalrymple took care of the bees.
Council Member Patricia Roberts was reappointed to the Municipal League for the year 24-25 by Mayor Parnell Vann of Magnolia. Satara Williams, another Prescott Council Member is on Public Safety and a third, Howard Austin, is on Economic Development.
For Citizen’s Communication, Prescott School District Resource Officer Nate Cornish brought up the concern about traffic on Martin Street and seeing if sidewalks can be put in. Students dodge traffic on their way to and from school. Both rain and sunlight make it difficult for the drivers as well as the. narrowness of the street.  Previously the installation of sidewalks was proposed and several homeowners were strongly opposed to the idea. As a significant amount of time has passed since then there is the hope the current residents might be more open to the idea.  Both the idea of putting a sidewalk on the south side of the street and making the street one-way during school hours were proposed. Next month when an ordinance has been drafted, Cornish will be invited back.
Another concern was people coming on church grounds to play Pokemon. They were told to move on and refused and got really aggressive, saying they had a right to be there. An attempt was made to get help from the Sheriff’s Department. As there was an emergency call the sheriff’s department was responding to, they were unable to respond at that time.  When the Sheriff arrived at the church the individuals were gone. There was a discussion concerning whether the individuals were on the sidewalk or church grounds. They were said to be near the sidewalk but not on it. The Sheriff said they have no control over the stops on Pokemon. The players battle at the stops. To charge an individual for trespassing, contact must be made and a warning given.
A question was raised concerning an ordinance about loud music. It was noted an ordinance is in effect which concerns loud noise. A motorcyclist was mentioned as someone violating the sound ordinance.
A red light which is flashing on 67 will be changed where there will be no stop on 67. The process involves 5 steps and should take six months.
Discussion ensued concerning what is being done about 4 wheelers on public streets.  It was noted when they are spotted by the police they are pulled over and given a warning. The second time they are given a citation.
The meeting adjourned.