Hope Downtown Network meets

HOPE – The Hope Downtown Network met in the Southwest Arkansas Arts Council Building on Thursday. The minutes were reviewed and approved. The financials were reviewed with additional costs not mentioned being added. On the agenda was a memorial plaque that Tena Carter was supposed to discuss, but the item was tabled because she could not attend.
Toby Neff gave an update on the Hope Downtown Network Building. Two people were contacted to give a bid for the framing. An estimate was $2,000. This includes a bathroom, a kitchenette, and a mop closet. Neff said although costs are high right now, he would see if he could get a more reasonable estimate.
For concrete that needs to be cut in front of the building he said he didn’t have a number. The work was being done the next day and then it would be known. It was a a 20-foot cut.
They are applying for grants to help with the restoration of the building.
Beckie Moore talked about her visit to Philadelphia, Mississippi. She has been concerned about the hurricane with getting there but was impressed with how organized the person running the event was. While there were outdoor venues everything had been thought out and there was flexibility in the implementation to allow for the weather.
Moore said it was her favorite downtown event so far because of the way it was organized with the talks.
Moore mentioned a pocket park they had there with trees and shrubs planted in it and labeled. The community has brick streets and is a very friendly community. In order to hold an event like the one she attended the community has to be a Main Street Community. Next year’s event will be in El Dorado and cost $100. Moore said she hoped everyone would be able to attend.
For a Taste of Hope who was going to haul the tables was talked about with a couple of members doing it with possible student help as well. The purchase of water and souvenirs was also talked about.
The historical society will do the movie in the Pocket Park from 8-10.
For new business Jennifer Block talked about pictures for the Taste of Hope.
The meeting adjourned.