Blevins City Council
The Blevins City Council met in the City Hall on Tuesday (10-1). The meeting started with Donny Lane giving a request for a culvert to be put near his new property to help with drainage and one of the council members asked for her drainage ditch cleaned.
A question was asked if anything could be done about signs in the town with some of them knocked down, turned or twisted, and some with names missing. After a list of the streets needing new signs are obtained, more signs will be ordered.
There were three clean water adjustments totaling $26.64. A motion to accept passed.
The sewer pumps have just been put in and are functioning.
It was asked if there was an ordinance requiring that Blevins is kept clean. The mayor responded no but he would get it done.
The Code Red program was mentioned where Hempstead County will alert people if their property is at risk. This only works for the home location.
A question was asked if anything was done about the leash law with the response being the city has one of the best such laws. Pit bulls aren’t allowed in town. Also, all dogs must have tags with the name and address of the owner unless they are confined to the property. The leash cannot be longer than 6 feet long. Otherwise they will be taken to a pound to be picked up. There was a discussion about revising the ordinance to take animal control out and instead have the Hempstead County Sheriff’s department address the issue. With paperwork and a lawyer involved, the ordinance can be revised and the deputy sheriff would spend some time working in Blevins rather than going to Hope. A motion to amend the ordinance passed. A fine for unleashed dogs is $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second and removal for the third.
The question was raised if there were any issues with the water department. The response was no. People complain when their water is shut off claiming they had not gotten a bill. In response they are told to pay the amount from the previous bill and they will be left alone.If people refuse to pay the fine they will be summoned to small claims court and have to pay court fees as well. How many dogs are allowed per square acre was also discussed with the response being there is a state law that with more than ten dogs a permit is required.
A fine for unleashed dogs is $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second and removal for the third.
The meeting adjourned.
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