Rosston City Council

The Rosston City Council met in City Hall on Monday (10-14). After the pledge and prayer and review of the last meeting’s agenda, a motion passed to go on to new business.
For the budget report it was noted there was an increase of $4,000 in the sales tax receipts and the city only has $2,330 left to add to the debt service account. There has been a requirement of 6 percent of water revenue being deposited into the account. This requirement disappears once $50,000 has been deposited.
Ordinance 10-24 of 2025, a millage of 5 mills on real and personal property was passed by the Council. This millage was required by the county.
A water rate study must be done every 5 years. It is time for Rosston to do one. Mayor Dale Quarles said usually there is an increase along with the study. The city doesn’t have a choice in the matter.
The council voted on a rate increase for the council members. The rate has been stuck at $70 a month for the last 7 years. The Council voted to increase it to $100 a month.
For the budget it was it was noted computers need to be updated as after two years of continuous use they slow down.
Mayor Quarles talked about soon reaching a point where only a road would be paved and that one could be focused on.
The council was informed chlorine has increased in price significantly.
This Saturday (10-19) from 3pm to 7pm there will be a Fall Festival in Rosston at the fire department. There will be games, burgers and hot dogs, chips and cakes.
Mayior Quarles reminded everyone the half cent sales tax which is to support the fire department will be on the ballot in November,
The meeting adjourned.