Hope School Board Agrees To Give Parents More Data

HOPE – The Hope Public School Board has agreed unanimously to give parents of eighth grade students at the Hope Academy of Public Service more information regarding proposals for transition of those students to the ninth grade.
Trustee Denny Dickinson moved the action, seconded by Trustee Jimmy Courtney, after some discussion. Hope Superintendent Bobby Hart said he would provide copies of the proposed options to parents Tuesday.
“What we want to know is what you prefer,” Hart said.
The interim will also allow the Board to learn whether the Arkansas Department of Education will grant certain waivers for ninth grade teachers.
The three proposals currently under consideration include:
- Maintaining a ninth grade on the HAPS campus with a virtual-based curriculum;
- Creating a ninth grade HAPS cohort on the Hope High School campus with its own faculty and schedule;
- Transition to the Hope High School campus as part of the general ninth grade student body.
Hart said district officials also want a clearer idea from parents about ninth grade electives, athletics and other extra-curricular activities. He invited parents of HAPS eighth grade students to send feedback to him at bobby.hart@hpsdistrict.org or HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke at carolann.duke@hpsdistrict.org or Hope School Board President Willie Buck at willie.buck@hpsdistrict.org online.
Hart said he will present the feedback to the full Board at its March meeting.