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Home » Archives by category » Nevada County News (Page 573)

City, county officials sworn in

City, county officials sworn in

PRESCOTT – City and county officials were officially sworn in Tuesday morning at the Nevada County Courthouse. Circuit Judge Duncan Culpepper presided over the swearing in ceremonies, and took the…

Top Local Stories Of 2016 On HopePrescott.com

Top Local Stories Of 2016 On HopePrescott.com

HOPE/PRESCOTT – A retrospect of the top local stories from 2016: January saw the first female firefighter being hired by the City of Hope, ex-Arkansas Highway Policeman Jimmy Vickers plead…

Guard deploys to Africa

Guard deploys to Africa

HOPE – Members of the Arkansas National Guard deployed from the Deloney-Cook armory in Hope Sunday, heading to the Horn of Africa. According to Brigadier Commander Mike Spraggins, Bravo Co.,…

Buck’s homeroom resolutions

Buck’s homeroom resolutions

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