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Chamber has full slate of events

Chamber has full slate of events

PRESCOTT – Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce has a full schedule for February and March. On Feb. 7, the Extension Service will be hosting a coffee to welcome its new…

Prescribed burning at White Oak

Prescribed burning at White Oak

PRESCOTT – White Oak Lake State Park manages 725 acres of land in Nevada and Ouachita Counties. As part of management activities at the site, a prescribed burn is planned…

CBC names youth center after Cummings

CBC names youth center after Cummings

PRESCOTT – Legacies are those things we leave behind to be remembered for. Katie Cummings left a legacy of smiles, laughter and compassion. She also left a hole in the…

Research Project To Go Online

Research Project To Go Online

HOPE – A graduate student team from the Clinton School of Public Service in Little Rock will initiate a live community/parent/student survey online January 31st as part of research to…

New Bobcat Signage For Hope High School

New Bobcat Signage For Hope High School

HOPE – A signage technician from American Signs and Banners hung new main office entrance signage at Hope High School recently. The multi-phase process required precise measurements for the signage…

Clinton Primary School Hosts Donuts For Dads

Clinton Primary School Hosts Donuts For Dads

HOPE – Clinton Primary School hosted Donuts For Dads January 26th and January 27th with large turnouts each day. The annual event was divided into two days to accommodate the…

Representative Westerman Offering Internships

Representative Westerman Offering Internships

HOPE – U. S. Representative Bruce Westerman is looking for interns to work in both his Washington D. C. office, as well as his Hot Springs office. Applicants must have…

Clinton Primary School Quiz Bowl Team Participates In Tournament

Clinton Primary School Quiz Bowl Team Participates In Tournament

HOPE – The Clinton Primary Quiz Bowl Team competed at the Murfreesboro Invitational Quiz Bowl Tournament recently. Team members are selected from third and fourth grade Gifted and Talented Program…

Hope Academy Of Public Service Students Awarded Movie

Hope Academy Of Public Service Students Awarded Movie

HOPE – Students from the Hope Academy of Public Service who qualified for the “Strive For Five” attendance award were treated to a showing to the popular animated film “Moana”…

Spring Hill Students Excel At Hempstead County Spelling Bee

Spring Hill Students Excel At Hempstead County Spelling Bee

HOPE – Ten students from Spring Hill Schools competed at the Hempstead County Spelling Bee on Wednesday, with all doing great! Levin McGuire ties for first in the fifth grade…