The Yerger High School Museum, 400 Henry C. Yerger Street, in Hope, will be open each Monday through Wednesday from 10:00 until 2:00. All individuals and groups are welcome to browse the many local historical artifacts in the building. To schedule other times, call 870-826-0801.
Hope Evening Lions Club Community Coffee Wednesday, March 26th, 9:30-11:00 am at the Chamber office, 201 South Main in Hope.
Chalk the Walk Wednesday, March 26th at 10:00 am at the Hempstead County Library in Hope. In the event of inclement weather, refer to the Library’s Facebook page.
Brentwood Industries LifeShare Mobile Blood Drive, Wednesday, March 26th, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm at 118 Industrial Park in Hope. Primary Blood Drive Coordinator Eric McNiel.nEmail: eric.mcniel@brentwoodindustries.com. Phone: 870-777-5220.
LifeShare Walmart – Hope Community Blood Drive Wednesday, March 26th, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Walmart Hope. Primary Blood Drive Coordinator is Diane Crow, Email: dmcrow.s01065@stores.us.wal-mart.com. Phone: 870-777-5500.
Prescott Heroes LifeShare Blood Drive Friday, March 28th from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm at the Prescott Police Dept., 128 West Main Street. Primary Blood Drive Coordinator is Alicia Page, Email: apage@prescottpolice.com or phone: 870-887-6779
A Roast & Toast honoring Curtis Lee Johnson and celebrating 70 years of dedication to his community and Prescott Lions Club is set for Friday, March 28th at the Prescott Middle School Cafeteria Friday, March 28th at 6:00pm. Menu of a burger, chips, drink, and cake for $10, with tickets on sale now. A silent auction will be included. All proceeds will be used to support the Prescott community.
All Vietnam Veterans Welcomed: On Saturday, March 29, 2025, the last of 13 commemorations of Vietnam War Veterans will be held. John Cain-Benjamin Culp Chapter of DAR and the Hempstead Sheriff’s Department will honor all veterans, but especially Vietnam War Veterans in Hempstead and Nevada Counties on this day. The community is also invited to this last tribute event. Since it is on a Saturday this year, we would like to see families bring their older children, middle school and high school students to the event that starts at 11:00 am at the old Courthouse in the 400 block of South Washington Street. All non-veterans, please bring your lawn chairs as seating is limited to veterans.
Junior Auxiliary of Hope’s 3rd Annual Señoritas & Margaritas fundraiser, happening on Saturday, March 29th from 6:00-10:00 pm This lively event will feature Lotería, raffles, silent auctions, delicious food, and drinks, all for a great cause. The funds raised from this event directly support Junior Auxiliary of Hope’s service projects, which make a meaningful impact in our community. Your sponsorship helps us provide essential programs for local children and families, including scholarships for high school seniors, literacy initiatives, holiday dinners, Christmas gifts, and so much more. Sponsoring this event is not only an opportunity to showcase your business but also a way to give back and support the future of our community. Attached, you’ll find our sponsorship opportunities detailing how you can partner with us. Tickets are $40 (includes 2 drink vouchers) and can be purchased at the Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce office. For sponsorship details or information email hope.ja.president@gmail.com. All attendees must be at least 21 years of age.
44th Anniversary services at Harvest Baptist Church, 430 Highway 73 West near Hope Sunday, March 30th at 11:00 am. Lunch will be provided immediately after service. The HarMENizers group will sing at 2:00 pm. Contact 410-251-2454 for any questions.
Legislation Town Hall Meeting in Prescott on Monday, March 31st at 6:30 pm. Hosted by the Concerned Citizens of Prescott. Bill Kopsky, the Executive Director at the Arkansas Public Policy Panel will be the guest speaker. It will be held at the Prescott/Nevada County Library 121 W. 2nd Street in Prescott. Everyone is invited to attend and food will be served.
Boost Your Confidence & Master Public Speaking! Are you ready to step up and own the stage? Join UAHT for an exciting Public Speaking Workshop on Tuesday, April 1st from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at Hempstead Hall. Overcome fear & build confidence. Learn expert speech techniques. Master vocal delivery & body language. Connect with your audience like a pro. Cost: Just $25 per person – open to all ages and experience levels! Don’t miss this opportunity to grow, learn, and have fun in a supportive environment. For more info or to register, contact Racie Poindexter at 870-722-8568 or racie.poindexter@uaht.edu.
The Midway Cemetery Perpetual Care Association will have their annual meeting Tuesday, April 1st at 7:00 pm at Midway Methodist Church. All members and those interested in the Cemetery are invited to attend. Midway is located 5 miles west of Prescott on Hwy 371. The Cemetery will accept bids for mowing for the upcoming season. The Association reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
The Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce along with many other organizations, churches and individuals will be hosting the 2025 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 5th at 11 am at the Prescott City Park.
OYEA Community Coffee Tuesday, April 5th, 9:30-11:00 am at the Nevada County Library in Prescott.
Spring Revival at Morris Baptist Church, 3763 Nevada 23 near Prescott, April 9-11 at 7:00 pm. Evangelist Dr. Terry B. Parrish, pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church, Benton, AR.
Hope 150th Anniversary Celebration, presented by Hope Tourism, activities Saturday, April 12th include:
*Free concerts April 12th at City Hall including Majestic Jazz, and That Band featuring Joe Purvis. Bring lawn chairs.
*Free Hamburger & Hot Dog Supper April 12th at City Hall povided by Farmers Bank & Trust.
*Fireworks Show at City Hall April 12. Free entry, bring chairs.
*Other activities include family games and Kids’ Zone.
Get your t-shirts before the big event for $20 at the Chamber Office, Park Office, or Tailgaters. Visit hopearkansas.net to learn more.
Southeast Volunteer Fire Department 3764 Highway 278 East of Hope will hold a Hotdog & Hamburger Fundraiser Saturday, April 12th starting at 6:00 pm. Auction starts at 7:00 pm. Minimum donation for food is $10 and is tax deductible. Includes choice of hotdog or hamburger, choice of drink with fries and dessert.
Mr. Randy Zook, will deliver the keynote address at the Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Monday, April 14th at Hempstead Hall. Zook is a longtime leader of the Arkansas State Chamber of commerce and the Associated Industries of Arkansas. Theme of the banquet is Journey to Success. For more information, call 870-777-3640 or hopechamperdirector@gmail.com
Petting Zoo & Easter Egg Hunt Friday, April 18th at 3:30 pm at Heather Manor, 400 West 23rd Street in Hope. Find a golden egg and win an Easter basket (3). Lolo’s Backyard Barnyard/Petting Zoo. Prizes and refreshments.
The Sons of Solomon #2, VoteSOAR, and the Sisters of Loyalty #5 will present an Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 20th from 2 pm to 5 pm at Northside Park in Hope. There will be free hot dogs, nachos, water, and juices. There will be bounce houses and D.J. Baccside. There will be over 3,000 eggs hidden. All youngsters are welcome.
The City of Washington, Arkansas, in partnership with the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Foundation and Historic Washington State Park, will host the 4th Annual James Black’s Bowie Heritage Festival on April 25-26, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The festival will celebrate James Black, the bladesmith who forged the first Bowie Knife for Jim Bowie in Washington, and showcase a variety of Arkansas heritage crafts and trades. The festival will be held throughout the city of Washington, including the James Black School of Bladesmithing and Historic Trades, the W.P.A. Gymnasium, the Farmers Market Pavilion, the courtyard of the 1874 Courthouse, the Washington Methodist Church, and the Blacksmith Shop. Admission is free. Parking for the festival will be $5.00. For more information, call 870-648-5084 or visit bowieknifefest.com.
Coming to Hempstead Hall in Hope Friday, April 25 is world-renowned gospel singer, Jason Crabb! Doors open at 6 pm. Show at 7 pm. Tickets are available at the following: Online: HempsteadHall.com, By phone: (870) 722-8565, or in Hempstead Hall, 2500 S. Main Street. This show is brought to you by Hempstead Hall. Thank you to our sponsors! Farmers Bank & Trust, Hebrews 11:1, Miracle Farms Market, and Southwest Arkansas Title Company.
Tickets are now available for the 2025 Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Call or come by the Chamber office today to reserve your seats. 870-887-2101. The banquet is Tuesday, April 29th at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $40 each or $320 per table of 8.
The CADC Winter Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) began January 6, 2025. “This vital program is designed to assist qualifying households with their home energy needs during the winter months. We understand the challenges many families face, and to better support our community, the maximum crisis benefit has been increased to $600. This enhancement aims to provide more substantial relief to those in immediate need of energy assistance. We encourage eligible families to apply early and take advantage of this program to ensure a warm and safe winter season.
The Bright Star Cemetery on Highway 73 West is in need of additional money in order to keep the historical cemetery in the shape it deserves. Contributions may be sent to Mary McPherson, 1121 Highway 73 West, Washington 71862 or Chester McRoy, 505 Highway 73 West, Hope, Arkansas 71801.
White Oak Grove Cemetery is needing donations for upkeep. Persons with loved one buried there can address their donations c/o White Oak Grove Baptist Church, 314 Highway 332, Hope, AR 71801.
The Hope Housing Authority is closing the waiting list for Section 8 until further notice.
Providence-Azar Cemetery in Nevada is needing donations for upkeep. Persons with loved ones buried there can address their donations to Providence-Azar Cemetery Committee, P.O. Box 910 , Hope, AR 71802. Contact Phillip McKinney Committee President for further information 870-675-1936
Huckabee Cemetery is asking for donations for maintenance of the cemetery. Donations may be sent to Todd Martin, 578 Highway 32 East, Hope, AR. 71801.
Anyone that has family members at the Ayer’s Cemetery is reminded the cemetery is in need of donations for upkeep. If you’d like to help, send donations to Eva Morehead, 1440 Nevada 5, Rosston, 71858.
To everyone that has family, friends or their own plots picked out In Westmoreland Cemetery, we are struggling at this time to maintain operating capital at a level to keep up the cemetery. As most know we operate this community cemetery on donations made during the year. Donations are not keeping up with our biggest expense which is mowing. So, I’m passing the hat at this time and ask everyone that reads this to share it on their family, friends and let’s see if we can get some help. Thanks to everyone that has helped this year and in the past. James Larry Kaufman, 1147 Hwy 195 S., Washington, AR. 71862, 870-722-6959.
The Hope Housing Authority Board meets monthly on the Third Thursday of the month at noon. The meetings are currently virtual. If you’d like to watch the meeting or take part, call the Housing Authority at 777-5742 for the virtual information.