Innovation Expansion Meetings Scheduled

HOPE – Expansion of the “school of innovation” model launched this year by the Hope Public Schools will be the subject of two parent/stakeholder meetings slated by the Hope Public School District next week.
Parents and stakeholders at Yerger Middle School are invited to a 6:00pm session Tuesday, January 10th, on the YMS cafeteria for a presentation and a question and answer session hosted by Superintendent Bobby Hart and YMS Principal Jocelyn Wylie. Beryl Henry Elementary School parents and stakeholders are invited to a 6:00pm meeting Thursday , January 12th in the BHE cafeteria for a similar discussion with Hart and BHE Principal Dr. Roy Turner.
Both sessions will involve the explanation of the “school of innovation” concept as it is proposed on each campus, taking the general model from the Hope Academy of Public Schools which opened in August.
Using the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) concept, students in grades 5-8 will have the opportunity to study in open enrollment programs at HAPS, BHE and YMS or remain in regular grades 5-8 programs.
The model proposed at YMS will focus on science and agriculture, while the proposed BHE program will focus upon the performing and digital arts. The HAPS campus will continue to operate as a public service model program.
However, as with the HAPS model, and the YMS and BHE innovation programs will focus on academic rigor, collaborative study, student and patent commitment and academic partnerships with higher education.
Hart has emphasis that the HPSD is committed to providing educational opportunities for students to approach college and workforce readiness by the tenth grade through concurrent credit classes offered at the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana at no cost to the student’s family.