Hope City Board Waives Bidding, Makes Boards Appointments

imageHOPE – The Hope Board of Directors met Tuesday night for their regular session.

The first item on the agenda was a proposed ordinance that would waive the bidding process for emergency railroad repair. In November, there was a derailment on the City of Hope Rail Spur. The City of Hope can usually repair the damage if it is not too extensive, but in this case, they needed to hire an outside firm to complete the work. Hexicon, who is served by this spur, requires deliveries of their raw materials on a regular basis, therefore the repairs need to be done as soon as possible. The bill from Grace Rail totaled $40,422.50 and  Hulcher Services Inc. totaled $56,545.21 for the repairs to the spur. The ordinance to waive bidding was passed.

The board then went into an executive session where they considered a number of appointments to boards and commissions. Upon return, Mayor Montgomery announced that Trevor Coffee would be appointed to the Tourism Commission, Doodle Franklin, George Straughter and Kiffinea Talley were appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Judy Davis was re-appointed to the Hope Water & Light Commission and Mark Ross was appointed to the Hempstead County Economic Development Corporation.

Catherine Cook addressed the ongoing sewer project on Midland Street, which has required the temporary closing of the street to through-traffic. Ms. Cook reminded the Board members that their Statements of Financial Interests were required to be filed with the City by January 31st.

Mayor Montgomery addressed the request of ex-board member Willie Walker’s of a historical  plaque to be placed at Northside Park. Ms. Cook said that the plaque would be discussed with the Arkansas Historic Preservation.

In closing, Mayor Montgomery acknowledged members of the audience from SWEPCO and GridLiance and Trevor Coffee addressed the upcoming Growing Healthy Communities Summit on January 31st.

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