HAPS Students To Generate Sole

HOPE – Students at the Hope Academy of Public Service want some ‘sole’.

The student body at HAPS is in a partnership with Sole Hope, a non-profit organization that provides necessities to Third World populations to create shoes for needy families, HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Duke said.

“HAPS students are collecting used blue jeans to recycle into shoes for children and families in Uganda,” Dr. Duke said. “We will accept donations between January 20th and January 27th.”

The HAPS students will use the donated items during a service project  Saturday January 28th to fashion shoe patterns that will be used by Sole Hope staff to make shoes for distribution to families in Uganda, she said.

“Now would be a great time to recycle some of your old jeans into a worthy project for our students,” Duke said. “No donation is too small, and we hope you will join us in this effort.”

Needed items include used blue jeans, plastic jugs, safety pins and funding for postage, she said.

Donayed items may be left at the HAPS campus office at 601 W. 6th Street during school hours, Duke said.image

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