Hope Public Schools District Issues Statement On Tuesday Fights

HOPE – Hope Public Schools Superintendent Bobby Hart said today that the campuses in the Hope District are as safe as any in the state.
Hart issued the statement in connection with an incident which occurred on the Hope High School campus on January 17th.
“The police presence on the Hope Hogh School campus Tuesday in response to an altercation between two students that was handled according to district policy,” Hart said. “Student safety in all of our public schools across the state is a primary focus.”
“According to the Hope Police Department, there was an incident on our campus that has led to charges being filed against a number of individuals,” he said. “The students’ safety at HHS is comparable to any high school in the state; and, we are proud of the actions of our staff, local law enforcement and students who helped diffuse the situation.”
What this sounds like it is saying without it saying it is that it was political motivated. I want to say to the youth first please don’t act like the grown ups rioting on the streets. You are the future is rioting and violence the way you want the world ran? We are in a small little part of a great big world and while you might not can change how things are governed around the world you can and should think about how you govern yourself. See no matter who runs a country it is how we treat each other and respect each other that makes it either a good place to live or a bad one. See if we could all govern our own selves and lived according to the law of LOVE we’d need no outside government cause there be no division. Hate divides, destroys , and it is dangerous. Please take heed to your actions and govern yourselves wisely. Your young and biting at the chops to take over and run the government and should the world last that long you will, But look at the fighting in the schools and the different views. What are you youth doing any different then the adults? Everyone else telling everyone else what they think is best and trying to force them to conform to their way of thinking. And the key word here is force. The real battle is not in Washington it is in you in each and every individual. The true battle always ha and always will be between evil and good. LOVE and hate. You cannot plant hate and grow LOVE. No more then you can plant a peanut and grow a grape. So to the students parents leaders and well everyone can I just say lets all try to govern our own selves better. Call it Karma or call it natural order, GOD is not mocked you will reap what you sow. Sow some of the LOVE of GOD people. We so need to grow more of HIS LOVE.
a day of infamy at Hope High School. known around the world. congratulations rioters. job well done.