Heather Manor sponsoring softball tourney

HOPE – Heather Manor will host its 2nd annual Relay for Life Coed Softball Tournament on April 15 at the Kelly Field Complex.
All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. The cost is $200 per team. Checks can be made payable to: American Cancer Society and mailed to Heather Manor at P.O. Box 2002, Hope, AR 71802-2002, attention Cheryl Pollins.
The deadline for registering is April 1.
All games will be played under ASA rules. Each game will have a 55 minute time limit, with a maximum of five runs allowed per inning. There will be a 15-run rule after three innings. All batters and players on the roster must bat accordingly as listed on the lineup card.
Players are urged to avoid contact and collisions. If any occur and are deemed to be malicious by the umpire, the player could be ejected and an out called when the player’s spot comes up in the linup.
Teams need to be coed, but there is no set ratio of men to women on teams.
Forms can be picked up at Heather Manor.