Local Group Establishes Fund To Aid Peru Flood Victims

HOPE – A local group has established a fund to aid victims of the widespread flooding in Peru that has taken place this year.

The flooding has impacted over 100,000 people, according to Bob Williford, who pastored in Peru for over a decade and continues to maintain relationships in the poverty-striken South American country. A church where Williford preached was directly affected by the flooding and he knows that the victims had little to begin with and now must start over again without help from anyone.

The group, from Hope’s First Baptist Church, consists of Williford, J.W. Rowe, Judy Mullins and Susan O’Bryant, have established an account at BanCorp South, called Peru Flood Relief Fund and are asking for the public’s help.

Any size donation is welcomed. Please keep in mind that those affected didn’t have much to begin with and have nothing now.


4 thoughts on “Local Group Establishes Fund To Aid Peru Flood Victims

  1. You know, this is all great and fine and nobody in this world believes in doing the Lord’s work over me.. however, with that being said, don’t we have our fair share of hungry, homeless people right here in our communites? Don’t we have Soldiers who have risked their very existence for us to lay our heads down at night to rest comfortably in our homes that are being over looked? Not being taken care of? Yes , yes we do people. We should be helping our communities out before we trace offf to Peru or another foreign country and try to be “do gooders!” Just my opinion and I know everyone has one.. how bout we establish funds for our soldiers and or their families… crisis happen everywhere we can’t fix the world people.. we can offer up prayers for everyone as I do.. like i said, don’t think i’m being cold hearted or uncaring because that is definately NOT the case here.. I’m just saying!!

    1. Liz, you commented, “We should be helping our communities out before we trace off to Peru or another foreign country and try to be “do gooders!” Please. yes, we in America have much to do in order to help people here. Allow me to share this with you. I am a Southern Baptist and the reason the SBC exists is to do mission work anywhere we find it. In Arkansas the Arkansas Baptist State Convention is always in search of and finding much to do in order to help folks who have suffered from natural disasters much like the floods going on in Peru. We have a presence for doing missions in the USA and around the world. I do not have the latest figures, but in 2015 The combined SBC churches gave $188 million to our Cooperative Program. Of that amount $137 million was budgeted for missions causes in America and across the world, and the remainder was designated for our 6 seminaries and religious liberty ministries. This is said simply to say that JW Rowe, Susan and Max O’Bryant, Judy Mullins and myself traveled to Peru in 2014 on a week-long mission trip to Peru where I and my family served for 13 years. This effort is being done beyond what is done at out local churches. And, by the way, I am certain that each of us gives to the United Way and in other situations to help those in need. The giving never stops on my part as I drop money into fund raising jars around town and occasionally I will give food to homeless persons. I am not without words when someone such as yourself criticizes when a small number of people in your community is doing to help others. Take a deep breath the next time you want to criticize others and simply ask, “What can I do?” or “What have i done today to help someone in need?” Just a thought.

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