Cook smart, eat smart class set

HOPE – The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Community Education Department will hold a Cook Smart, Eat Smart class on Thursday, April 13, from 5:30-9 p.m. at Hempstead Hall.
The cost of the class is $15 per person. The class is in partnership with Terrie James of the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Research and Extension office.
The Cook Smart, Eat Smart Cooking School will teach you how to prepare simple, healthy and delicious food for you and your family. Cook Smart, Eat Smart keeps it simple—simple, healthy preparation techniques, simple ingredients, and simple equipment. Each session contains several basic cooking techniques and other topics related to eating and preparing meals at home. Cook Smart, Eat Smart also provides tips for stretching your food dollar while still eating healthy. The first session will cover roasting, marinades, stir-frying, and rice. This class will be a hands-on, so come ready to do some cooking and enjoy the recipes the students prepared.
For more information or to register for the class, contact Anna Powell at 870-722-8102 or