Kiwanis Club raises money for projects

PRESCOTT – Local residents had the opportunity to have their lunch prepared by members of the Prescott Kiwanis Club Thursday.
The club held its annual Chili and Bean Lunch at the First United Methodist Church. There was plenty of chili on hand, with a few pots of pinto beans. Diners could also choose either crackers or cornbread to go with their chili or beans. The meal included dessert and a drink.
Money raised from the lunch will be used to fund the club’s youth programs, such as the honor banquet, scheduled for May 8 at the Prescott High School cafeteria.
Members of the club donated the chili, beans and other fixin’s.
Early on the club was hit with takeout orders, the first calling for nine bowls of chili. Shortly after 11a.m., club members had gone through two crock pots of chili and a half-a-pot of beans – all for takeout orders.