Hope/Hempstead County Chamber Annual Banquet

The Hope/Hemsptead County Chamber of Commerce has schedule its 2017 banquet for April 3rd. The banquet will be held at Hempstead Hall and the featured speaker will be Lt. Governor Tim Griffin.
The doors will open at 5:30pm with bids being taken for the silent auction in the Hempstead Hall lobby. Serving will begin at 6pm and the program begins at 7pm.
Highlights of the banquet will include the announcement of Citizen of the Year and Educator of the Year. Nominations are now being accepted at the Chamber office. You can bring them by 202 South Main during normal business hours, mail them to P.O. Box 250, Hope, 71802, or email them to hopemelonfest@yahoo.com. Applications will be accepted through Thursday March 30th.
Tickets for the banquet are now on sale at the Chamber. For tickets or information phone the Chamber at 777-3640.