Garden, plant show April 8
PRESCOTT – Lelia Scott Kelly will be the featured speaker at the Ninth Annual Garden Show and Plant Sale on April 8 at the Stokes Center.
Kelly is an extension professor and the consumer horticulture specialist for the Mississippi State University Extension Service. She has her Master’s and Ph.D. in horticulture from Mississippi State and joined the Extension Service in 2000.
She authors several Extension publications and conducts short courses, workshops and Master Gardener programs. She is also a frequent speaker at garden events in the Southeast. She will be educating and entertaining those at the Ninth Annual Garden Show and Plant Sale with her Southern expressions and funny anecdotes.
Registration to the event will begin at 7:30 a.m. This will also allow patrons to enjoy some refreshments and do some plant shopping. At 8:30 will be the welcome and first round of door prizes. The first session will be from 8:45-9:45 with Kelly talking about “Plants from Grandmama’s Garden”. This will be followed by a break until 10:30, with the session resuming for more door prizes and plant shopping. The second talk will be from 10:30-11:30 on “Flowering Trees and Shrubs for Spring”. When this is over, there will be demonstrations and the announcement of winners of the silent auction.
Lunch will be held at noon and consist of a chicken salad sandwich, chips, fruit, cookie and drink. Lunch will cost $8 and be provided by the Tri-Service Club. Tickets to the plant show and sale are $15.
For more information, call Betty Jones at 870-887-5312 or email
Proceeds from the garden show will be used by the Nevada County Master Gardeners for community projects in the county.